Deine Erde brennt | October 2020 (unperformed)
The ensemble liberté asks vehement questions from a seething sound; like a fist in the eye, the Latvian protest cantata "Lord, your earth is burning" fits into our here and now. Together with the powerful and heavenly sound of the organ, the ensemble confronts the meaning of whistleblowers*, the collapse of democracy, the hope of reconstruction and the struggle for human rights in four world premieres by Luca Fiorini and Jonas Jäggi and in works by Benjamin Britten, Rudolf Mauersberger and Zoltán Kodály.
ensemble libertéProject choir of young voices
Babette Mondryorgan
Raitis Grigalisbaritone
Maija Gschwind, Luca Fiorini, Abélia Nordmannconductor

Monday, 21 September 2020 | 7pm | Open Church Elisabethen | Choir concert and lecture in the context of the International Day of Peace 2020, with the Ensemble Choeur3 Saturday, 17 October 2020 | 8 pm Roman Catholic Church Johannes Maria Vianney | LAUDES ORGANI (with the chamber choir Notabene conducted by Christoph Huldi) **CONCERT CANCELLED** Friday, 30 October 2020 | 8pm Theodorskirche Basel | 1st concert "Deine Erde brennt" (Your Earth is burning)**CONCERT CANCELLED** Sunday, 1 November 2020 | 5 pm Theodorskirche Basel | 2nd concert "Deine Erde brennt" (Your Earth is burning)**CONCERT CANCELLED** Free admission, collection
- concert date
- Total number of persons incl. children
- Voluntary: contact details of one person per group (first name/last name, address, telephone number) Zur Übersicht…